I find it never easy to say goodbye. People become a part of your life and are no longer acquaintances but friends. I know that last Sunday when I announced that I will be leaving to take a position on the Gold Coast I had difficulty getting the words out. Over the 6 years that I have pastored here, Viv and I have come to love you and appreciate many of you.
I pray that the vision that we carried for Maryborough will be taken up by the many and that we will see our city's masses saved. When we leave we take you in our hearts. It is not goodbye - more of a farewell. I will be travelling back to Maryborough every couple of weekends and will be in church those Sunday mornings. John Armstrong in consultation with Vivienne will care take the Centre until a new pastor is appointed. I do not foresee any major hassles or difficulties. Focus on the harvest. Remember always - There is a Harvest. The harvest is great and thirdly remember that there is room in the harvest for you. In Aussie language Jesus could have said "There is a muster. The muster is great and there is room in the muster for another stockman". Friend are you doing your part?
My last day here will be the 29th September - Police Remembrance Day.

We love you
Pastors Garry and Vivienne.

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