"There was no room for them in the inn."- Luke 2:7 The rain beat across the road, whipping furiously around the bus shelter. Inside, a small knot of people huddled dejectedly into greatcoats and scarves. Only a few days before Christmas, and shopping still had to be done. A tired-looking woman struggled up, clutching an overflowing shopping bag. A young child followed her. They tried unsuccessfully to squeeze into the shelter, out of the biting wind. The occupants near the entrance made no attempt to move closer together, although there was a large gap further along. "I'm cold," whimpered the child, "Can'twe go inside?" "There's no room," replied the mother, wearily shifting her bag from one arm to the other. The child looked up, her pinched face breaking into a smile, her treble voice penetrating clear above the noise of the traffic. "It's just like the Christmas story, isn't it Mummy, when there was no room at the inn in Bethlehem, for Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus?" There was a moment of stunned silence, then an uneasy shuffling inside the shelter. One or two persons smiled, as room was made for mother and child. Thought: Make room in your Christmas for others.
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