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God wants to release the radical expression of Christ in the church. When Jesus walked this earth, He was far from the ordinal. His life was neither humdrum, conforming, nor boring. Jesus made things happen, Jesus affected the status quo.  He allowed the release of the radical expression of God has faith, love, victory, and blessing. It was exciting to be with Jesus.
If we allow it, the world will crowd us in to the point of forcing us to conform, by placing its expectations and values on us. It's up to us to shake off that influence. If we don't do it and become who God wants of us, someone else will rise to take our place. It's our job to break out.
When you were born-again, baptised and filled with the Holy Ghost, you were made new and empowered to release the radical expression of Christ in your world.
We were not made new creations just to tiptoe through the tulips. We were made new to be an expression of all that relates to life and godliness and, as partakers of the divine nature, to be a radical expression of God.
Our God is radical. He's extreme, white-hot, and never lukewarm. He's an extravagant God - just look at the wonder and beauty of creation. He's a powerful God and we are to be His reflection. The world has yet to see the lull release of His promise - "The Church in Victory!"
Church, it's time to breakout!!! It's time to explode!!!! It's time to be wild!!! It's time to become what we were born to be!!!

The Born To Be Wild 2000 COC International Conference is a conference to bring you to your own personal breakout.

Pastor Neil Miers
International President


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