Heb 12: 2 "Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end. He did not give up because of the cross!..."

Jesus was a man of purpose! All people who make their mark in this world have that same sense of purpose. Jesus established that early in His life, when as a boy, He enunciated what was already recognized in Himself... "I must be about My Father's business."

There is a challenge here for each of us to consider the call upon our lives. To do so will bring into consciousness the sense of the purposes of God for us. I almost used the word 'focus', but resisted doing so. It may be that I don't know what that call is ultimately, but I know there is a call to do and be something in God. It is a sobering and humbling thought to consider that God does not need me. After all, God is God and God can do what He wants to do. When we consider it, He has managed without us all this time. God does not need me and God does not need you, friend, but He does want you. The only way to fulfill the call of God on our lives is to keep looking to Jesus - Keep fixing our eyes on Him. He is the only one who can accomplish His purposes in and through us. Where we fix our eyes that is where we place our faith.

Love you

Pastor Garry.

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