Most of us have trouble from time to time with spiritual pests.
These can be hard to eradicate.
Following is a recipe for Fumigation that is easy to mix, easy to use and is guaranteed to work.

Fumigation Recipe

Worship - A good daily dose, can be quiet or loud.

Rejoice - Can be verbal, or quiet heart contentment.

Prayer - Long or short variety but needs to be consistent.

Faith - The substance variety is the best.

All these ingredients should be mixed together as needed.
You can be kneeling, standing, lying or walking.

Hands can be raised, pointing, or even clenched. The voice can be loud, soft but must be asking, telling, thanking, praising or prophetic.
Faith is the substance that makes it all work. We were all given a measure so there is no shortage.
The quantities in the recipe are not critical so change it around to find your favourite one.
You may find that that will even change daily.

God Richly Bless You.

John Armstrong.

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