There are numerous things I believe The Holy Ghost is impressing upon the church at this time. We do not presume for a moment to have a grasp of them all or understand all that He is saying or doing. Of all these, there are three I would highlight as being very close to God's heart. They are found in Matthew 9: 37. The first is simply "There is a Harvest". The desire for souls coming into the Kingdom of God reaches the very heart of God, Himself. At this end of the age we are not looking forward to a great falling away or depletion of The Kingdom but we are looking forward to revival and the gathering in of a great many souls for Christ.
The second thing v. 37 declares is that this harvest is plentiful. When one looks at a field that is already harvested it is bare and barren. A few stalks of the crop may stick up here and there but there is nothing to speak of. The harvest wasn't taken off entirely during the Apostles era. it awaits us today as the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever known. At present one estimated statistic declares that 140,000 people are coming to Christ every 24 hours. 
The third thing we are told is that the labourers are few. That means that there is plenty of room for you. Are you wondering what God wants you to do. Become a labourer in the harvest. There is room you know.
Remember, there is a harvest. The harvest is plentiful and there is room for another labourer in the harvest field. God bless you in your sharing of Christ.

We love you
Pastors Garry and Vivienne.

A Special Welcome to our Guest Speaker today, Mick James, from Brisbane.


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