God is very interested in all of us and each one has a special place in His heart. Imagine if you had 10 children. You would love all of them equally but you would get to know each childs different personality and you would know how to treat them. 

God is the same with us, loving us more than we can sometimes understand but having to work with our different needs and personalities. 

One thing we need to be sure of is that God loves us for who we are - the real you - not what we sometimes show our friends, but the person you are on the inside.

That real person may be hurting, in fear, depressed, sick or a multitude of other circumstances. In the end it's just you and God, but as you read the Bible, that has been more than enough for any need to those who have put their trust in Him. Make you mind up today.


Thought for the Week

They are able because they think they are able. - Virgil
Friend - What is your ability?

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