There is an expectation building in our church meetings. An expectation that we are on the verge of something good as God increases moving in our midst. Over months now on Sunday nights, in particular, we have been blessed with the Spirit working in lives individually and corporately. 
Remember this though - We are blessed to be a blessing. Let your cup overflow into someone in telling them of what good things our Lord has done for you.
Before being made king, but after he had been anointed king by Samuel in 1 Samuel 16, David comes to the battle with Israel facing the Philistines and in particular, Goliath. There is a bit of friction between him and his eldest brother.
David speaks up and says "What have I now done? Is there not a cause?" v29 Chapter 17 of 1 Samuel. There is a recognition of something that is more important than things that just relate to ourselves, in the way we may see them. David could see it. Beyond the words of put down, friction, anger, pride and jealousy David could see there was a cause beyond how he himself was being personally affected by his brother. Don't let someone stop you from reaching you potential in you.
In our desire for this Holy Ghost Revival we will need to put things into perspective and priority and work together to see it come to pass. If all people in a boat are pulling together at the oars they will succeed in reaching their destination.
There is a cause, worthy of our energies and efforts.
Guard yourself, keep your focus and maintain the cause.
Garry and Vivienne

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