A new wind is blowing through our Church. The wind has come to refresh and to excite us with a vision that is so big it's hard to comprehend.
How will God do it? How can He possibly make a way where there is no way?
It is very simple "I AM WHO I AM".
Those words were said to Moses 5 thousand years ago. The same stands today.
We can only imagine the excitement in Heaven at that time. When God's people were getting ready to start on a great adventure that would lead them to the Promised Land.
Friends, it is happening again. We can sense in the Spirit realm all is ready for a great outpouring and this could be the last one. This will be the one that proves once and for eternity that God made the right choice choosing you and I.
The question is, are we ready?
John & Judy
Thought for the Week
Every truth has two sides; it is well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either. Aesop