Praise the Lord together because we have had another breakthrough re finances with the Council and the Bank by having the Bank Guarantee cancelled. This is a saving of approx $1700 a year. Praise the Lord also for Matt & Tricia working with Barry in Children’s Church. They are looking forward to this mininsty area to grow and become a dynamic part of the church. Marie and I wouid be excited at seeing a large group of people from here attend the International Conference 16th - 20th October. The theme "Born to be Wild" sounds like it will be awesome, to say the least! Get your registration form today. Tell your friends about Phil Weaver next weekend, (July 2nd). A dynamic musician who has several CD’s released relating to all age groups. We have known Phil for 23 years and can endorse his message and music 100%. Get ready for Bill Close, Itinerant COC Evangelist who has been used in dynamic ways both here and overseas. He will be here July 22 - 23 to help train us and minister, then August 5 - 6 will be an Outreach weekend with him where we will be expecting a great move of the Holy Spirit with souls being added to the church, those who are being saved. Pray with us! Bless you-all heaps Ray & Marie. Thought for the WeekPeople and rubber bands have one thing in common: they must be stretched to be effective. John Maxwell
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