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"Little Ones"


Families are welcomed into our playgroup on the understanding that the playgroup is based on "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbour as yourself".

The purpose of this playgroup is to develop love based friendships through shared experiences for both the children and the parents.  Grandparents, whether natural or "adopted" are encouraged to join in the activities as we believe their input into our children's lives is beyond measure.

The program endeavours to incorporate both inside and outside play for the children including both planned and spontaneous learning-by-play experiences.  Excursions into the community also feature.


6 April Getting to know you
General indoor play
Party food celebrations
13 April Craft - seed planting
Indoor & outdoor play
Fruit to share for morning tea
20 April Craft - Butterfly & story time
Indoor & outdoor play
Fruit to share for morning tea
27 April NO Playtime during school holidays

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