It's time for joy to erupt in the house of The Lord. It's time to allow ourselves to be excited by what God is doing and what is possible for Him to do. 

The joy of The Lord is our strength. The word strength means a defence or a stronghold. 

It's time to let God build this stronghold in our lives, not the joy that we just laugh for laughs sake, but the deep joy of knowing who we are and where we're going and what we are called to. 

God is moving one more time in the earth. Maryborough has a place in that call. 

Friends, allow God to pour out His joy into our lives and allow it to build such a stronghold that we will overcome, we will fulfil the call, we will rise up and not be weary for in due time we will reap. 

It's time to reap. The question is, HOW MUCH DO WE WANT?

Thought for the Week

Your ability to create unity is directly related to your ability to be a servant.

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