The wind of change is blowing through the land. God is beginning to move in the hearts of His people. To move with God we must allow the wind of change to blow over us and do it's work. No longer can we judge with our eyes and judge with our ears, we must have the eyes and ears of the Spirit.
When we allow the Holy Ghost to come into our lives we find God has a different concept of His Church and, just like the young eagle, God is stirring the nest.
If you feel challenged and uncomfortable it's only the wind of change. Don't be surprised if all of a sudden you get tossed out of the nest. It's only so you can fly.
We can no longer look at ourselves as grasshoppers or a church waiting for the rapture to save us.
God, since time began, has been calling those things that be not as though they were.
What has He been saying about you. Is it not time we just believe and rise up as overcomers.
Thought for the Week
There is but a step between a proud man's glory and his disgrace.
Publilius Syrus |