I want to commend all our workers involved in the functioning of this Centre. I appreciate the hard work you put in along with your time, energy and sacrifices. No one but you and the Lord (and may be your family) know the full depth of what you give unto the Lord by way of giving to people. I want to say thank you - whether you are on a roster for supper, overhead, cleaning etc or in music or lead a Home Group, help at a working bee or in the office, chaplain at the hospital or encourage someone during a visit. Whatever you do and are doing faithfully - Thank you. If you think what you do is unimportant, please think again. A little story may help.

For the want of a nail the board fell down. For want of a board, the weather got into the building.
For want of keeping the weather out, rot got into the building.
For the presence of rot, the building was condemned.
For the want of the building, Sunday School was cancelled.
For the want of Sunday School, children didn't come to Christ.
For the want of children not coming to Christ a generation was lost.

I believe the story illustrates for itself that each one's contribution is significant and does matter.
Again, Thank you.

I love you

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