Working together is vital for effective ministry. There has to be an over-riding purpose that will cause people to focus, harness their energy and work together. Some people are thin skinned and are easily offended, while others are thick skinned and are hard to get through to. Some are timid or reluctant, while others are bold. Some are easy to get along with,
while others are not as easy. It must be recognized that we are a motley collection of personalities that make up the Body of Christ. As I present myself before the throne of God or putting it another way; As I come into the Presence of God and desire to go on with God, He will ask me "Where is your brother." Many a time the Lord has not revealed Himself because we have not come before Him with our brother. This is not physically getting together to pray, although to do so is good. It's carrying a love, care and harmony towards our brother with us as we come to God. If you are at odds with someone please sort it out. You may not want to, but Jesus commands it. Be open to change. Love one another and
fulfil my joy, that you be like-minded and of one heart. Build the Body. |
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