What We Believe

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Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is our Lord and Saviour and we worship Him in spirit and truth. He's alive and He's fantastic! It is our desire to serve Him with all our might. We are not special people, only people who love a special God. The God we serve has an incredible love for every person on planet earth, and it is His sacrificial love for every person that is our inspiration and pattern for living.   

With our desire to give God our best, comes excitement and exuberance. In our church meetings we are eager to allow the Holy Spirit to meet people, wherever they may be in life. Some may call us radical. However, we believe that the mighty Holy Spirit is present in the world, and in the hearts of born again believers, having been sent by Jesus Christ Himself. Because of this, church is the most exciting place in town!   
The Holy Spirit, is a person, and is here to heal the sick, free those who are oppressed, and bring salvation to the lost. It is through His power, and a continuing personal relationship with God the Father and other believers, that people reach their true and greatest potential in life.   

Christian Outreach Centre holds the Bible, and the Bible alone, to be the literal inspired Word of God. It is our text book to life itself, and inspires an unshakable faith in a God who never leaves nor forsakes us.   
Until Jesus returns, the vision of Christian Outreach Centre is to play an active part in reaching our world for Christ. As our name suggests, we are committed to taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the four corners of the earth, starting in our own neighbourhoods, towns and cities.   
Christian Outreach Centre is one body of people, meeting in many different geographical locations. We do not believe we are the only true church, but part of the body of Christians from so many denominations who belong to Jesus Christ.   
Our only enemy is the Devil, sin and hypocrisy.   

We hate sin because it separates people from God, and it is only through the blood of Jesus Christ and the power of God, that this can be dealt with in an individual's life.   

Hypocrisy is the act of professing beliefs contrary to one's character. God has called us to be people of integrity, and we believe that by the grace of God, we can live a blameless life.   

Both of these evils originated from the Devil. The Bible says, "... but the Son of God came to destroy the works of the Devil" (1 John 3:8). This is good news!   
In a word - anyone? You, your family, your friends, your enemies - anyone is welcome at a Christian Outreach Centre. People of different occupations, race, colour and creed find a spiritual home at our churches. We believe there are no barriers which cannot be bridged through the love of God.   

Your life could be forever changed when you attend a Christian Outreach Centre. Ask your pastor which group or special activity will suit your needs.  

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