Worship - Body Soul &
- For the first-time visitor, a morning or evening at church can be a confusing
experience. It may seem like finding a place just slightly removed from the rest of
the world!
So why do people who call themselves Christians speak and act differently?
What is their motivation? What is the purpose of what goes on during church meetings? Much
of the activity and talk which happens in churches is radically different from anything a
visitor may have experienced before. Through the singing, preaching and sharing at a
church meeting, there remains one prime motivation a simple, yet all-consuming love
for Jesus Christ our Lord. This love comes from deep within a born-again believer, and is
expressed in many different ways. Christian Outreach Centre meetings are times when people
come together with a common goal to worship and praise Jesus, and to let His name
be proclaimed. The following explanations will enlighten you as to why certain things
happen during our church meetings:
Why Do We Worship God ?
Simply because we love Him. Worship is when men and women connect
with God. It is a time when people put aside the struggles or triumphs of life
and focus on the person of God Himself. He is awesome, and truly deserves
our worship! Because of what Jesus has done for us, we can know God in a
very intimate way as a friend. The Bible tells us that God is looking for
people to worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24).
Why Do We Clap Our Hands?
Clapping in time with music can be plain fun. It is also a way of expressing our
appreciation to God. If we clap at a concert, or after a speech, applauding the Creator of
the Universe should be almost a reflex action. Clapping is a way of breaking the
"gloomies" and entering into the joy of the Lord. "Clap your hands all you
people. Shout to God with joy" (Psalm 47:1).
Why Do We Lift our Hands?
Raising our hands can be an act of surrender. It can symbolise our adoration
for God. Just as a child raises his hands to receive something from a parent,
we can raise our hands to receive a fresh touch from our Father in Heaven. "I will
praise You as long as I live. I will lift up my hands in prayer to Your name" (Psalm
63:4). "So I want men everywhere to pray, lifting up their hands in a holy
manner, without anger and arguments" (1 Timothy 2:8).
Why Do We Sing Our Praises To God?
Praising God takes no special singing talent. It makes no difference if we can
sing operatic soprano or croak like a frog. God, like any father, loves to hear praises
from His children. In fact, Jesus said that if we neglect to praise God He would cause
stones to praise Him instead (Luke 19:39-40). "So through Jesus let us always offer
to God our sacrifice of praise, coming from lips that speak His name" (Hebrews
Why Do We Dance Before The Lord
There is no better way to express thankfulness to God than dancing. We are
told to love God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all our
strength (Mark 12:30). Dancing is a perfect way of loving God with everything we
have. King David, one of the greatest men of the Bible, was not ashamed to dance before
the Lord in the streets of Jerusalem, even when his wife was ashamed of his actions.
"Let them praise His name with dancing" (Psalm 149:3).
Why Do We Sing In Tongues And In Our Language ?
Sometimes, it's a case of running out of words, and allowing our hearts to take over.
There is freedom in our meetings to worship God to the utmost. Singing in our own language
allows us to communicate with God from our mind. Singing in an "unknown tongue"
is a heart-to-heart- time with God. "For if I pray in a tongue my spirit prays, but
my mind is unfruitful. So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will
also pray with my mind: I will sing with my spirit but I will also sing with my
mind" (1 Corinthians 14:3).
What Is Prophecy?
Why Do People Prophesy?
Prophecy is when God speaks words of encouragement and comfort through one or more
people. It is a gift given by the Holy Spirit to the church so that it may be
strengthened. We are told that all believers should eagerly desire spiritual gifts,
especially the gift of prophecy (1 Corinthians 14:1). Prophecy does not replace the Bible
as God's infallible Word, but relates truths that can readily be found in the Bible.
"But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strength, encouragement and
comfort" (1 Corinthians 14:3).
Why do we pray for the sick
And for those who have needs?
There are numerous stories of great miracles which have happened as a result of
'corporate' prayer cancers have vanished, heart conditions have been healed and
marriages save. "
if two of you on earth agree about something and pray for
it, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. This is true because if two or
three people come together in my name, I am there with them" (Matthew